Highlands and Islands of Scotland

21st-26th May 2009

Drawn north by the sad (though very moving and celebratory) occasion of Duncan Stewart's memorial service in Oban, we added on a few days on Mull and in the Highlands, as we think Duncan would have suggested! While the weather thwarted us in our attempt to see Chequered Skipper (next time....) and we just couldn't find a Golden Eagle, we saw a remarkable cross-section of Scotland's special species in just a few days.


The highlights were undoubtedly Otters in the sealochs of Mull, an ultra-tame Pine Marten at a B&B booked for just that purpose (!), White-tailed Eagle at the nest, calling Corncrakes (invisibly) on the Tresnish Isles, plus hundreds of Puffins and other seabirds, numerous Ospreys, Black Grouse, Capercaillie, Scottish Crossbill, Slavonian Grebe, Red-throated and (vocal) Great Northern Divers, Hen Harrier, Short-eared Owl, Dipper, Twite and all the "regular" species too.







Otter - fantastic views of two of
them catching crabs on a Mull beach
Besuited Simon on Oban seafront
Julia by a scenic waterfall
Red-throated Diver
Greylag Goose
White-tailed Eagle at the nest
Red Deer
Hen Harrier
Fingal's Cave, Staffa
A drenched Julia on Staffa
A drenched Simon with Puffins on Lunga
Puffin in flight
Puffin nearly in flight
Puffin not in flight
Randy Razorbills
Calm Razorbill
Black Guillemot (or Tystie)
Twite (or Twytie)
Pine Marten - at Glenloy Lodge, near Fort William
Slavonian Grebe - at a well-known site
Sand Martins
Abernethy Forest
Hielan Coos
Scottish (Parrot?) Crossbill
Black Grouse near Fort William - thanks Jon!
Adult and juvenile Dippers


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